Gun Club By-Laws
Name and Purposes
Section 1: Name.
This organization under the laws of the State of Florida and compliant with the HOA Lifestyle rules of Solivita shall be known as the Gun Club of Solivita (hereinafter known as GCS). The GCS is organized to advance the general knowledge and upholding of the Second Amendment.
Section 2: Purposes.
(1) Preserve the 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
(2) Education & training on gun laws (Federal state & local), of safe and responsible use of firearms.
(3) Legislative & Community Outreach.
(4) Social Activities including target practice.
(5) Promote various sports competitions using various types of firearms.
Section 1: Eligibility.
Any person who resides in Solivita and agrees with and supports the objectives of the organization shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2: Application.
(1) Applications for membership shall be completed by each prospective member.
(2) Application and liability waiver can be located on our website. Waiver must be signed by each prospective applicant.
(3) Dues payment, application & signed liability waiver will be submitted to Club Treasurer.
Section 3: Dues.
(1) Membership dues shall be set by the board of directors annually.
(2) Dues are payable at the time of application and will be totally refunded if not approved for membership.
(3) Dues may be changed from time to time as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
(4) New members joining between Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st shall be considered paid for the following year.
(5) New applications will be accepted from October thru June. No applications will be taken in July, August and September.
(6) Renewal dues for all current members are payable by December 31st of each year.
Section 4: Termination.
(1) Any member may resign from the organization upon written notification to the Membership Director.
(2) Any member shall be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors for nonpayment of dues after 90 days from the date due unless otherwise extended for good cause.
(3) Any membership may be suspended or revoked by a ¾ vote of the Board of Directors for
Action detrimental to the club after one month notice to member with no refund of dues.
(4) Any member who resigns or is removed will be denied access to GCS Facebook, GCS Website access and all email blasts.
Section 5: Membership Requirements.
(1) Members are asked to attend at least two meetings in a calendar year.
(2) Members are asked to participate/attend at least two events during the calendar year.
Article III
Prohibited Use
Section 1: Prohibited Use.
(1) All logos, documents and official photography of events is the property of the Gun Club of Solivita.
Article IV
Section 1: Annual Organizational Meeting.
(1) The January organizational meeting shall be for, but not limited to the installation of Executive Officers. This shall be in compliance with all laws and requirements. The time and place shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and notice will be provided to each member at least 10 days before said meeting.
Section 2: Monthly Membership Meetings.
(1) General meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month. Notice of any special meetings shall be sent to each member at least 5 days prior to such meetings.
(2) Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month. Committee meetings may be called at any time by the President, Vice President or by any Committee Chair.
Section 3: Quorums.
(1) At any duly called board meeting, 2/3 of Officers and Directors shall constitute a quorum.
(2) At committee meetings, a majority shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4: Notices, Agendas, and Minutes.
Written notice of all organization meetings must be given at least 7 days in advance, unless otherwise stated. An advance agenda and prior minutes must be prepared for all meetings.
Article V
Board of Directors
Section 1: Composition of the Board.
The Board of Directors shall be composed of 4 elected Executive Officers, (President,
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer); 5 appointed Committee Directors, (Membership, Webmaster, Gun Events, Safety and Social).
Section 2: Policy.
The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing procedure and formulating the By-Laws for the organization. These By Laws shall be maintained by the club Secretary and kept
in official club files and on the Website. By Laws shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary.
Section 3: Indemnification.
The organization may, by resolution of the Board of Directors, provide for indemnification (through the HOA) by the organization of any and all current or former officers, committee chairs and directors against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which any of them are made parties, or a party, by reason of having been officers, directors, and committee chairs of the organization, except in relation to matters as to which such individuals shall be adjudged in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty and to such matters as shall be settled by agreement predicated on the existence of such liability for negligence or misconduct.
Article VI
Executive Board
Section 1: Duties of Officers
(1) Provide leadership and direction to the club.
(2) Understand and adhere to the Solivita Club operating guidelines.
(3) Preside at meetings.
(4) Oversee the activities of the committees and board of directors.
(5) Structure the organization to ensure continuity of leadership by providing opportunities for new leaders to be developed and mentored.
(6) Coordinate club activities through the committees and board of directors.
(7) Have an overall financial responsibility for the club.
(8) Along with the Treasurer shall approve all contracts.
(9) Serve for a period of two (2) years. Elected in odd years.
Vice President:
(1) Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
(2) Plans, coordinate, and recruit’s committee to manages meetings and programs.
(3) Coordinate programs with the president and committees and board of directors.
(4) Provide data on previous club events to allow the event chair to benefit from past experiences and suggestions for improvement.
(5) Find ways to use technology to improve the organization.
(6) Liaises with communications chair and club Secretary.
(7) Serve for a period of two (2) years. Elected in odd years.
(1) Handle the correspondence of the club and keep records of it.
(2) Maintains official records of meetings.
(3) Maintain a roster of officers and board members, including address, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
(4) Along with the Membership Director, encourage the members to update their personal information.
(5) Maintain complete and up-to-date copies of club By-Laws and organizational documents.
(6) Serve for a period of two (2) years. Elected in even years.
(1) Oversee the club finances, collect dues, and receives other monies.
(2) 2Maintain and supervise the club bank account.
(3) 3Ensure that there is more than one signature on the bank account.
(4) 4Pay all bills on time.
(5) 5Serves for a period of two (2) years. Elected in even years.
Article VII Directors
Section 1: Appointment.
(1) Director appointments shall be at the will and pleasure of the President.
(2) Shall serve for the term of two (2) years: Membership. Appointed in even years.
Webmaster. Appointed in odd years.
Activities/events. Appointed in even years.
Safety appointed in odd years.
Social appointed in even years.
Section 2: Authority.
(1) The President and Treasure jointly, shall be the only signatories authorized to sign contracts and agreements for the GCS.
(2) The Directors shall have the authority to conduct investigations, studies and hearings, and carry out such activities to make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Limitation of Authority.
(1) No action by any member, committee, or officer shall be binding upon, or constitute an expression of the policy of the organization until it has been approved or ratified by the Board of Directors.
(2) Committees shall be discharged by the President when their work has been completed and their reports accepted, or when, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, it is
deemed wise to discontinue the committees.
Article VIII
Section 1: Nominations.
(1) At the General Meeting in November, IN ODD YEARS, nominations will be taken for President and Vice-President from members in attendance.
(2) At the General Meeting in November, IN EVEN YEAR, nominations will be taken for Secretary and Treasurer from members in attendance.
(3) No limit to the number of Nominations.
(4) Members will be given 3 warnings before the close of nominations.
(5) One position will be dealt with at a time.
Section 2: Ballots.
(1) At the beginning of the November Membership meeting, those present will be given ballot cards marked with the position of the candidate.
(2) After the close of nominations, if only one person is nominated, they will automatically become the new member of the board.
(3) In the case of multiple nominations, the members will then write their selection for the position on the ballot card. Ballots will be counted. Person receiving 50% or more of the votes from members present will be declared the winner. If no one receives 50% (of the ballots cast) there will be a run-off between the two top contenders.
(4) A second vote will be taken, and the top candidate will be declared the winner and will assume the position for which the election was held. 5.
(5) Winning candidates will take office January of the new year, following the election.
Section 3: Judges.
The President shall appoint (2) judges who are not members of the Board of Directors or candidates for election. Such judges shall have complete supervision of the election, including auditing the ballots. They shall report the results of the election to the Board and membership at the time of election.
Section 4: Election Results.
Prior to the January meeting the Secretary will notify all members of the club of the results.
Section 5: Installation of New Board of Directors.
All newly elected Executive Officers along with Directors and current Officers shall make up the Board of Directors
They shall be seated at the regular monthly board meeting in January and shall be participating members thereafter.
Section 6: Vacancies.
(1) A member of the Board of Directors who shall be absent from 3 consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall automatically be dropped from membership on the board unless confined by illness or other absence approved by a majority vote of those voting at any meeting thereof.
(2) Vacancies of an Officer on the Board, shall be filled by the board by a majority vote.
Article IX
Section 1: Funds.
All money paid to the organization shall be placed in a general operating fund.
Section 2: Disbursements.
Upon approval of the Board of Directors, the President and Treasurer are authorized to make disbursements on accounts and expenses provided by committee chairs budgets, without additional approval of the Board of Directors. All disbursements shall be by check.
Disbursements up to $75.00 do not need Board approval.
Section 3: Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the organization shall close on December 31.
Section 4: Budget.
As soon as possible after the appointment of the new Officers and Directors, they shall adopt the budget for the coming year and submit it to the Board of Directors for approval. At the monthly meeting (February) of the Board of Directors the budget shall be adopted for the coming year.
Section 5: Annual Review
The accounts of the organization shall be reviewed by the President & a Board member as of the close of business on December 31.
Article X
Section 1: Dissolution Procedure.
The organization shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these By Laws, and no part of said funds shall be distributed to the members of the organization. On dissolution of the organization, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the Board of Directors.
Article XI
Section 1: Amendments and Revisions.
These By Laws may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors or by a majority of the members at any regular or special meetings, provided that notice for the meeting includes the proposals for amendments. Any proposed amendments or alterations shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in writing at least 10 days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be acted upon.
Adopted: (09/2021) Amended: (08/2022)
Amended (09/2023)
Approved by Members: (09/2023)